Friday, April 16, 2010

the dailies 4/4-4/10 RETURN.

so here they are finally oh gosh! this has been crazy week because it's the national art education association conference and everything is overwhelming and awesome! also i'm sick, thus the further delay. but enough of that let's go:
sunday, april 4th: "strange, wizard of oz-ish, 'and you were there! and you!' dreams."
monday, april 5th: "OH NO OH NO"
tuesday, april 6th: "people who made my day today, in chronological order."
wednesday, april 7th: "thanks, busted water main, you're the best. love, alissandra"
thursday, april 8th: "if ruffles ever become a fashion faux-pas, i will be so naked."
friday, april 9th: "i so don't think i had them convinced it was allergies."
saturday, april 10th: "exactly what i needed, and long overdue."

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