a busy busy week. at the end of my first full week of nothing but illustration, i am feeling pretty good about my progress, and about the sheer quantities of marathon tv i can churn through in the background. along with dexter, i've devoured
it's always sunny in philadelphia and
the oc, both of which can be hulu'ed for your viewing pleasure. any suggestions for my next conquest?
first up are the dailies, followed by a fun surprise!

at the end of my walters classes, i got a little bit of time to draw from their collection, so here's a study of thomas couture's daydream! hooray academic exercises. i forgot how much i love doing these kinds of things.
next show you should watch is true blood from hbo. vampires, hbo mature content, and anna paquin; what else could you ask for in a tv show!?
that's my favorite painting at the walters!! :) I wrote an essay on it for my art matters class freshman year.
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