i am trying, as i may have mentioned, a full digital finish for my next "what if" piece, which will officially be "what if... you were friends with the monsters under your bed?" that's to come, but for now, some experimentation with fully digitally colored things:

these are two of my dailies from last year, perhaps you remember them, from december, "...and now for something completely different!" and from august, "oh, no." i colored these for
spraygraphic's upcoming mini-mini exhibition, which arguably, psychically entered my brain and developed this show specifically for me to submit to. it's uncanny that their show is for 4" square art that will be showing in three arizona galleries (push gallery in phoenix, cartel coffee lab in tempe, and conspire gallery in phoenix) that triangulate my permanent address. if you happen to live near my address (but not me), check out the mini-mini show tomorrow night at push, or later in the month at the other two locations.
anyway, so tiny alissandra digitally colored illustrations. i'm still on the fence about the whole digital thing, both the way it feels to work that way, and the lack of finished art object to show from making it. i like the tactile: books, dolls, and things that also happen to be art, and digital is zero-percent any of those. but my flat aesthetic suits a digital approach, so here we are. testing the waters. thoughts on the whole "oh my god no paint" situation?
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