my proposal circles around two things: i don't like to frame my work, and i like things. i feel like the second you throw my illustrations in a frame they're far away, even if you are smushing your face against thee glass. so i elected to paint "frames" on the wall (meaning just silhouette-y frame shapes) and float my what if? illustrations on top of them, glass-free, in a sort of salon-style grouping. additionally, my fall thesis book a mixtape story will be on a shelf (silhouetted with paint to look like a quirky table) with the accompanying mix for listening. also, tiny vase of flowers because i am just that kind of girl. lastly, my hug-a-city friend will be returning as the host of this tiny sitting room display, hugging a for-real 3D chair. the photos of her in action will be displayed amongst the what ifs, like family photos.

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