rounding out month two of the weekly-dailies posts, and feeling pretty okay about that. though the start of august is unofficial code for "PANIC!!" since that means that means real-life sorts of things are getting started very soon.

sunday, july 27th: "in desperate need of some girl talk."
monday, july 28th: "hanging on tighter than i should."
tuesday, july 29th: "it snuck up on me, like a riptide would if i didn't hate the ocean."
wednesday, july 30th: "a sad, ugly duckling state of affairs."
thursday, july 31st: "feeling so out of my element is causing me to lose confidence."
friday, august 1st: "a nerve-wracking combination of not not knowing what to expect and probably expecting too much."
saturday, august 2nd: "being surrounded by couples just made me want it more."
coming up next: alissandra tightens up slash actually drafts her thesis!
in other news, in case you haven't heard of the delightful "dr. horrible's sing-along blog" you should go ahead and give it a shot. finding a loophole in "hey the writer's strike means that we can't do anything" mandate, this was an extremely low-budget online mini-epic thrown together by joss whedon (the buffy/firefly guy) starring neil patrick harris (the awesome guy) in the title role as a lovelorn super-villain with a penchant for melodic overtures. start-to-finishing in just three 'acts' (about 15 minutes each) it's available online for viewing
here and you should check it out. the end!