Sunday, January 25, 2009

dailies week four: tricked by the sun.

despite at the cold-weather imagery that has been showing up in my dailies as of late, i managed to be fooled into going out to run some errands today entirely winter-wear-less: no coat, scarf, not even any sleeves. t-shirt plus skirt = chilly (and dumb) alissandra. i think it's a flaw in my weather evaluation strategy, which basically is just me looking out the window before i leave the house. "what's that, window? the sun is shining all cheeky and warm, you say? must be delightful outside, let's go!" and that is how i end up freezing my ass off.

the primary ass-freezing errand was a three and a half hour date with a giant printer and all 365 of my 2008 dailies. that's right, the work for my upcoming show is 100% printed out.
it's official.
i ordered my postcards.
i made catering arrangements.
t-minus three weeks.

1 comment:

tidliwinx said...

Love your misdirected font... Very effective and well done...