Sunday, September 7, 2008

dailies 8/31-9/6.

first week of classes! sort of. two of my classes did not happen because of labor day, so it was a little bit of an anti-climactic start to the semester. but! i moved into my shiny new studio in the fox building - it's lovely and it has a nice big window for primo natural light. i'm trying out this new work-stays-at-work, studio-stays-at-studio, home-stays-at-home thing, so we'll see how that works out for me.

sunday, august 31st: "i love my new house and the people in it."
monday, september 1st: "hit the ground running? or hit the ground face first?"
tuesday, september 2nd: "i'm not so good at keeping in touch."
wednesday, september 3rd: "...and the class hasn't even started yet."
thursday, september 4th: "i wonder how many people ignore them when they say hello."
friday, september 5th: "she needed me to be there and i wasn't."
saturday, september 6th: "getting things up an running bit by bit."

in other sort-of exciting news, i am finally trying to put all these dailies to good use and am preparing an application for a solo exhibition in one of mica's student space galleries. i realized that this spring (when the shows are slotted) i will have an entire year of tiny square illustrations to show, so i figured it was worth a shot? wish me luck!

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