sunday, october 12th: "like how i imagine king midas must've felt, if, you know, he spilled everything he touched all over instead of turning it to gold."
monday, october 13th: "i'm a little bit sick. "
tuesday, october 14th: "getting a little territorial about things that aren't actually mine."
wednesday, october 15th: "i scheduled my day around 6 hours of television."
thursday, october 16th: "there's nothing like hearing the things you try to ignore and push to the back of your brain come out of someone else's mouth."
friday, october 17th: "one roommate was rightfully celebratory and the other rightfully crestfallen.
saturday, october 18th: "this didn't actually happen, but was dangerously imminent."
back to reality and such for the rest of the week, plenty to do, yada yada. fall break is a big fat tease. also, presently stuck in my head is ne-yo's "miss independent", partially because it plays everywhere you go, and partially because i maybe like it. so there.
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